Monday, August 11, 2008

Getting Ready

Aubrey has become such a little mimicker (is that a word?) lately. She wants to do everything she sees mama and dada do. She is real cute getting ready in the morning. She's been trying to brush her hair for months. But, lately she has added trying to put her shoes and socks on, brushing her teeth, & putting her feet in the legs of her pants. I love seeing her learn all of these new skills. The pictures below are of her getting ready for church yesterday.

Lately, Aubrey has really taken to building blocks. She does really good at stacking them on top of one another. Today, she would even try to straighten them out if they were on crooked. The pictures below are of the tower she pretty much built all by herself today (I helped a little with straightening the blocks).

You know you take a lot of pictures of your child when she climbs on the desk to grab the camera & holds in front of her face to try to take a picture. Then when that doesn't seem to work, she hands it to you and then smiles real big to pose for the picture. That's the story behind the picture below.

Aubrey didn't get a whole lot of mama time on Sunday. So, in the evening she was really wanting my attention. Unfortunately, I had a pretty bad headache and was trying to get dinner started. So, I put her on my lap and signed the hurt sign and then pointed to my head. Side note, Aubrey has really taken to the hurt sign of late. And she is at that stage that she seems to hurt herself a lot. So, all day long when she stubs her toe or trips or bangs a toy into herself somehow - she'll have this really pouty face and sign hurt. So, I thought she would really understand that mommy hurt. So, I asked her to kiss it better and she gave me a kiss on the forehead. A few hours later as I was getting her ready for bed, she signed the hurt sign. So I asked her, "Do you hurt, Aubrey?" "Where do you hurt?" She then pointed to me and then to my forehead. I think she was trying to find out if I still hurt. It was so sweet.

Aubrey just loves animals. Lately dogs are her thing. Yesterday she saw on the computer a picture of a puppy statue that Grandma Buell has in her garden. Aubrey loved seeing the picture. When she sees or hears dogs she starts panting like one. It's really cute. Well, this morning we went in to check my email. Immediately, Aubrey points to the computer and starts panting. She remembered the dog from yesterday and wanted to see it again. So, I thought she might like a video of some puppies. So, pulled up you tube, found one and played it for her. She was so delighted she just started cracking up. After, watching about 3 videos, I thought to get out my video camera and tape her. She wasn't laughing quite as much by this time, but it's still cute. You can also see her pant in the video and do a few signs, "sleep" and "more".


Chanté said...

Heather, seriously, she is SO BEAUTIFUL. Oh my gosh. She is just absolutely darling and it is fun to see her doing things that Brecky started doing a couple of months ago..but sad too; Brecky is getting too big!

John and Ann Tolman said...

We better get another little granddaughter as cute us Aubrey! Having 9 grandsons is fun but after looking at her pictures I think we need "more Pink!"Have a great week!!

The Crazy Clawson's said...

oh my word could she be any will love her, when they are just a little bit bigger....:)

Haro Family said...

Wow! She is 1 going on 8! She seems so independent (I wonder where she gets that from Heather?) What an amazing tall tower she built! She's so smart and the most photogenic little one I have ever seen!

Diana and Derek said...

Too cute!!

Tammy and Mark said...

Heather she is SOOOO cute, and smart too, all Jacob does with his block is knock over what I have built (maybe that is a boy thing?)!