Thursday, July 24, 2008

Melting Mommy's Heart

My sweet little Aubrey put together her first sentence using signs on Monday. She doesn't use the real sign for ma ma, but instead taps me with her pointer finger. So, anyway, I was sitting on the floor talking on the phone, when Aubrey crawls over to me and plops on my lap. She then signed "more" then taps me with her little pointer finger, and then signed, "please". She was saying "More mommy please!" How cute is that. So, of course I had to get off the phone and give her more of me.

Also, I have been singing Aubrey lullabies at night time and at nap time since she was born. The last few weeks, whenever I finish a song, she signs, "more". It's nice to know after all that singing, that I have an appreciative audience!

I love that Aubrey can sign to us. It is so fun, cute & effective. She can pretty much let us know what she wants without having to fuss or throw a fit. Anyone who is thinking of teaching their little one signs, definitely do it! It is soooo worth it. And it's a crowd pleaser too! Everyone is amazed to see a 1 year old communicating through sign language. We started showing her a few signs at 4 or 5 months. She didn't start doing it back until 11 months. But it was sure worth the wait. Now, she can pick up new signs really fast. As long as the sign is not too complicated and is something she is interested in, we only have to show her once and then she has it. Some of her signs are a little simplified, but they still work great! Plus, you don't have to buy anything to teach your baby sign language. You can look up any sign you want on the Internet! The person who thought of teaching babies sign language is a genius!

One more story, well at least for this post! So, I have been sick this last week. I was especially feeling yucky on Sunday. So, after church, Jeff took Aubrey out to the garden to pick me a flower. It was so cute, especially since she doesn't hand things over readily. So, on Monday after dinner, Jeff took Aubrey outside. She had been begging to go outside all through dinner. I watched as they walked over to the garden and Aubrey pointed at the flowers. So, Jeff picked one and handed it to her. Then immediately she pointed toward the house. They came in and she handed it to me with a huge smile on her face. It was so sweet. She remembered how happy it made me last time so she wanted to give me another flower! I just love that little girl!

Pictures from this last week!

On the way home from the park yesterday, we saw the most beautiful blue dragonfly. I have never seen one this color before. I didn't get that great of a picture of it, since it was flitting around like crazy and it was so bright outside I couldn't see anything through my viewer. But, at least you can see the color. I think Dragonfly's are one of the most beautiful creatures, and this one topped all others I have seen.


Our Family said...

I love your first story that is great- so cute!

Keri said...

How great that Aubrey is learning some sign. They really do pick it up so well, and it does help a lot. We kept a list of all the signs Ayden knew by 18 months old. It was right around 94 signs, and I really think it helped him speak earlier as well. Keep it up!

And, as always, she's so stinkin' cute!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you were not feeling well. Very cute that Aubrey wanted to cheer you up with flowers:)

Angelina Christina said...

Aubrey is so sweet. kids are the best, aren't they? Life would sure be dull w/o them.

Karen said...

So fun to see her growing up. She looks like she is having a fun summer.