So, a week before last we had 2 bunnies visiting our yard quite frequently. Aubrey loved it and we thought they were pretty cute too. Until, our neighbor told us that they had been in their yard for a while now and had made a big mess of it. So, as soon as Jeff heard that - he started Bunny Hunting! My resourceful husband took our wheel barrow and propped it up on some pvc pipe. He then tied string around it and fed that into our house. Then he put some yummy treats for the bunnies under the wheel barrow. When the bunnies came for a nibble, he pulled on the string and the wheel barrow came down and trapped the bunnies. So in the space of about 12 hours Jeff had caught both bunnies. One Sunday night and the next Monday morning. Then we spent much of Monday playing with bunnies - which Aubrey loved!
Here is Jeff retrieving his caught bunny.
Bringing the first bunny in Sunday night for Aubrey to see.
Both bunnies in their comfortable, yet temporary home. The white and brown one was caught Sunday night and lived in our shed that night in this box that Jeff had also put food and water in.
Aubrey enjoying the second bunny caught Monday morning.
Playing with the bunnies!
Monday evening some neighborhood friends who are our local bunny experts retrieved our bunnies and told us they would take them to an animal shelter. Probably a better place for them than what calling animal control would have gotten them!