Thursday, September 24, 2009

A much better week

Last week was one of those weeks you hope never to duplicate. Aubrey had a constant fever that started Saturday evening and went until Thursday morning. She was almost to 104 degrees one night. Even with rotating Tylenol and Ibuprofen every 4 hours - the lowest I could get her temperature was 99.8. When it would get really high, it would take hours to drop to lower than 100. Brooke also decided to start waking up every couple of hours all night long. (She had started it 2 weeks before - so I was already suffering from fatigue) I got very little sleep all week. Maybe about 3 hours of fragmented sleep every night. Plus my poor Aubrey had a terrible sore throat and was feeling and acting miserable. I pretty much got nothing done all week because I knew if I tried to do much of anything I would loose it - considering how tired I was and how moody Aubrey was. So, I was so happy when Friday rolled around and things were getting back to normal.

This week has been much better. Brooke still wants to wake up a couple of times at night, but I've gotten her down to 2 feedings. One around midnight and one around 5:30. She sometimes wakes up between those times, but just fuses for a few minutes and falls back asleep. Hopefully soon she'll stop waking up then so that I can get at least 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

This week Brooke started sitting up on her own. I still need to be close by because at any moment she could fall over - but she is getting pretty stable.

Look at my cute lil' sitter!

Both Aubrey & Brooke love to take baths together. For awhile I was just filling the tub up a few inches and Brooke would lay down. Which was nice for me because I could just sit and watch. The last few days however, when I lay Brooke down she immediately tries to sit up and see what Aubrey is doing. So, now I have to hold her up in the tub. Not as nice for my back - but cute to see them together. I do have a bath chair that I'll have to get out so she can sit on her own.

Yesterday Aubrey was dancing around and I was holding Brooke on my lap. Brooke saw Aubrey dancing and just started cracking up. It was so cute. Brooke has never laughed that hard and that long before. She just gets such a kick out of Aubrey. And Aubrey LOVES to make her laugh. At the grocery store today Aubrey was waving, smiling & talking to Brooke just to make her laugh. It sure makes the shopping go by faster when they are entertaining each other!

Aubrey was making a meal for me in her kitchen yesterday. She was so cute - I had to take some pictures. Above she is salt and peppering our food. Too cute!

I believe here she is singing "Happy Birthday" to one of her animals. Every day is someones birthday around here!

Aubrey just loves the moon. We have to go outside every evening to look for the Mr. Moon & the stars and tell them goodnight. The last few weeks we haven't been able to find the moon. (I don't know if it was rising really late or setting really early.) But this week Mr. Moon has been coming out in the evening and Aubrey has been so excited to see him! I had to take a picture of Aubrey with Mr. Moon!


Anonymous said...

Cute, Cute! Molly is also in love with the moon...she loves to point out in the sky or in books whether it is a full moon or a crescent moon. Can't believe little Brooke is already sitting up!

Summer Carlile said...

It was fun to see you last night! I am glad your girls are feeling better.