Friday, March 7, 2008

Tender Moment

So, Aubrey is very much a mama's girl. If mom is near she pretty much won't go to anyone but her. Well today Aunt Summer came to visit. I was telling her how Aubrey is understanding and responding to a lot of words. I told her that she knows what stories are and hugs and kisses. So, Summer asked her, "Aubrey can I have a hug?" Aubrey reached up to Summer and put her arms around her neck and gave her a hug! It only lasted a few moments - but it was one of the sweetest things I have seen. Summer is a very lucky girl - cause Aubrey has never done that to anyone except Mom and Dad!

1 comment:

Summer said...

I am so glad that I made it into the buell blog. I need to come around more often so that I can make it more often.