Monday, October 13, 2008

Puppy Love

Last week Katie & Elliot were dog sitting for a friend. So, I had to take Aubrey over to play with her. The dog started jumping all over Aubrey as soon as we walked in the door and Aubrey didn't cry at all. She sure loves dogs! (Too bad mommy & daddy don't!)

Aubrey really enjoyed feeding the dog!

Giving the doggy kisses!

This cute little outfit Grandma & Grandpa Bagley gave to Aubrey for Halloween. You can't see in this picture, but it has some Disney princesses on the jacket. Aubrey already loves Disney princesses. (Even though she has never seen any of their movies!) She has some princess books that she just adores. She recognized them from her stories when she saw them on her pocket. She thought it was so much fun to wear princesses!

Being cute and silly!

I love this picture! I taught her how to pose for it. All day, she would get on the floor and do that pose! Such a cutie!

I am so glad that Plaid is in this year! I love it - she looks like a little school girl!

We were planning on going to a pumpkin patch today, but it is freezing today! So, we decided to put it off til later this week when it has warmed up again! So, I thought I'd pull out Candyland and teach Aubrey how to play a game. She was being so cute. We have some Candyland story books and so she recognized the characters in the game. She also loved picking a card and turning it over. She would gasp every time, even though most of them are just squares! She was thrilled when she picked the card of Princess Lolli (her favorite character from her candland stories.) When she picked the card, she pointed to her and then pointed to her on the game board and then on the box. What a smartie!


Lisa said...

Hi, I am Christi Williams sister and just lurked on to your blog. I had to tell you that you have the most adorable little girl--and congrats on the new one coming! Plus, I love, love your background!

Our Family said...

I love her red shoes- that red outfit is so cute. I love anything in red!

Lyndee W. said...

Totally cute! She's always makes me smile when I see her cute smile and her big blue eyes!

Karen said...

Love the new outfit and love he little pose. What a cuite.

Diana and Derek said...

So cute! We'll have to see if we can't get Aubrey some Disney Princess movies!!