Thursday, August 13, 2009

Brooke is 4 Months

I can't believe our little Brookie Cookie is already 4 months! The time has just flown by. She is still just a sweet little ANGEL! She loves to smile and giggle and stare at people. I'll turn to look at her and see her just peering at me. It's really sweet.

She is in the 39th percentile for weight and the 49th for height. I can't believe that she is just about average now!

She now sleeps from about 11:00 pm to about 6 am. Not too bad. I'm hoping that soon she'll be tired a little earlier - so I can have more hands free time in the evening. But I am loving that I get a 7 hour span most nights. Now if only I could fall asleep faster - than we'd be in business.

She's started cooing so much more lately. She still is on the quiet side - but I'll find her talking and smiling to her toys that hang from her car seat sometimes. It's so cute. She also likes to talk to me and Jeff. I love hearing her sweet little voice. Hopefully she'll start talking more and more.

She is getting better and better with her hands. She still loves playing with her blankies. (Which does make me a little nervous that she'll get one up over her head and won't be able to get it off. This is why she wears sleep sacks at night and not blankets!) The other day I saw her just a snuggling with her blanket while she was in the swing - it was so cute. (pic above) She is also getting better at reaching and batting at toys. I'm pretty sure she waved at me the other day too. I was doing makeup in the bathroom and she was just outside the door in her bouncy. I turned to look at her and she was staring at me. So I waved and smiled at her. She looked like she was thinking real hard and then she lifted up her arm and hand at me. I think the mimicking is so much fun!

Dresses are fun to play with and munch on too!

She is starting to be able to sit up for small periods of time now. I am excited about this - I love the sitting up stage.

She still leans forward to give herself stability. But, we are on our way!

I started sitting her up in the stroller instead of putting her in the car seat. This way she can see when we go on walks. She just looked so cute sitting up all big. She loved being able to check out the world on our walk!

My girls all ready to take a walk.

Aubrey loved that she could turn around and see her sis!


Karen said...

Oh she is a doll. She is getting so big! SHe sounds like a little treat. Good luck getting more sleep!

Anonymous said...

Happy 4 month day:) These pictures are precious!