Monday, March 9, 2009

Baby Brooke and Animal

Today we went to my midwife appointment. Aubrey usually goes with me because they are pretty short and she does a really good job sitting on the chair. She also loves to hear the heartbeat. Anyway, today we walked into the examination room and saw a picture similar to the one on the left, except that we could see the woman's head as well as her tummy. Aubrey points right at the baby in the poster and says, "Baby Brooke". I thought it was so sweet that she actually got that that was a baby in a tummy just like Baby Brooke is in mommy's tummy. I think she is really understanding more than I give her credit for with this whole new baby thing.

Last week she felt Brooke kick for the first time. She got real excited and started kicking herself and saying, "Kick Kick Kick, Brooke Brooke Brooke". Then when we went swimming on Saturday when she was kicking in the pool she started saying "Kick Brooke". I think she was trying to say, "I am kicking just like Brooke." A few times since then she has put her hand on my tummy and said, "kick kick kick" while pushing on my tummy. She's trying to tell Brooke that she wants to feel her kick again. It sure will be interesting to see how she reacts when she sees Brooke for the first time on the outside.

Aubrey's language development has really been exploding lately. She'll repeat words that we say and even try to sing along with songs. She is saying several new words everyday. Today she really surprised me though. She was playing in what will be her new bedroom soon. The closet door was open and she looked inside. There is not much in there - I thought there were only some Primary manuals inside. Well she looked at the top shelf and started pointing excitedly. So I said, "What do you see, Mommy's books?" She responded with, "animals." It wasn't a perfect pronunciation but I was pretty sure she said animals. So, I looked inside and sure enough, there were some stuffed animals on the shelf. I think that was her first 3 syllable word. I was pretty impressed. So, I had to bring the animals down of course. I was showing them to her and asking what they were. Some animals she can say the names, others she does the sound. I held up a Kangaroo not thinking she would know what to say, but I was wrong. She responded right away with "kangaroo." I am so much enjoying being able to communicate more with her.

After the midwifes appointment this morning, I brought out the paints since Aubrey loves painting.

As you can see in the pic Aubrey is holding a wash cloth in her right hand. Before we started painting I told her that we were going to get her painting shirt. So she ran to her closet and tried to open it. She has an accordian style closet and must have pinched her thumb in the center. She was pretty upset. I am sure it did hurt a lot - but she is also quite dramatic. Anyway, after kissing it better repeatedly, she was still pretty upset. So I told her that we were going to wrap her finger in a cold wash cloth and it would make it feel better. The wash cloth was magic - the tears stopped immediately and she started asking for paints again. She held that wash cloth on her thumb the entire time she was painting and had to paint with her left hand. That funny little monkey!

Here is the aftermath of the painting - a completely green hand!


Lyndee W. said...

You're such a good mom to let her paint...I have a hard time letting Sean paint. I need to relax!

Summer Carlile said...

What a little smartie pants.

Michelle said...

Hey Heather, just wondering how you are feeling? I am starting to be glad the end is getting close. It is funny to see how toddlers relate to the new baby. We keep asking Liam if the baby is a boy or a girl (since we do not know) and he just says, "no, just new baby". I see my midwife on Thursday for my next prenatal. Anyway, just thought I would send some good mommy vibes your way! -Michelle