Monday, June 1, 2009


So, as I have mentioned numerous times - I have been suffering from new baby exhaustion the last 7 weeks. Well one morning, a few days ago, I was pretty much fed up with feeling tired and brain dead all of the time. I remembered that a college professor had said once that if you are feeling tired, eat a banana. Well if you know me very well, you know that I am not a fan of most fruit. But, I was willing to try anything. So as I was slicing up a banana for Aubrey, I ate one myself. I have had a banana every morning now for the past 4 or 5 days and, I am not kidding you, I feel amazing! It's not just a tiny barely noticeable change, but night and day! So, I thought I'd share my new secret with all the other weary mothers out there!


Cindy Merris said...

I guess I should stop eating bananas now so I will notice a difference when the baby comes, otherwise where will I get my boost from?

TheAndFam said...

I'm going to the store right now and buying some!! I'll let you know how I feel in a couple of days!

Lyndee W. said...

That's awesome! I'll keep it in mind for the next time I'm up until 5 sewing costumes! LOL