Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine Crafts for Daddy

On Thursday, Aubrey had a blast making some valentine's for daddy.
We made homemade dough that you bake and then paint. First we cut out some heart shapes with cookie cutters. And then I made circles and had Aubrey do a hand print and Brookie do her footprints.

I baked them while the girls took a nap. Then after they cooled down Aubrey painted them with glitter paint.

She sure had a fun time painting. Brooke wanted in on the action - but she's just not old enough to paint. She was at our heels at the coffee table the whole time.

Here's Aubrey's finished hearts.

When she was done I told her we would need to hide them before daddy gets home because they are a surprise. I hid them in the laundry room - so they could dry. Aubrey listened and listened for the sound of the garage door opening. As soon as daddy came in she said, "Daddy you can't go in the laundry room because there are surprises in their for you!" She was so excited about her valentines!

The next day I asked Aubrey to tell me all the things she likes to do with daddy. I wrote her messages on the back of each one. Then I sprayed them with acrylic.

Saturday morning while daddy was away I asked Aubrey if she wanted to hide her valentines for daddy. She said, "Are they dry now." When I said "yes," she said, "OH BOY! Let's go hide daddy's valentines!"

When daddy came home later Aubrey told her daddy that she had hid valentines for him and he needed to go find them.

She found some really good spots and we had to give daddy hints. She had a blast watching daddy find his valentines and giving him hugs and kisses after he read the back of each one.

We saved the handprint and footprint to give to daddy the next day.

Grandma & Grandpa Bagley also left some Valentine presents for us last time they were here. I finally let the girls open them on Saturday.

Brookie enjoyed the tissue paper and feathers on the bag! She liked her stories also.

Aubrey was thrilled to get her own sticker calendar. Brooke has one up in her room and Aubrey always wants to take all of the stickers off - but it is off limits for her. She also got some more make-up that is pretty much all gone already. That girl sure does love putting on makeup!

Here is Aubrey in the cute jammies she got in her present from G&G Bagley.

I LOVE when holidays are on the weekend - then you can stretch them out over several days!

1 comment:

Lyndee W. said...

I love the pic of Aubrey kissing sweet.