Saturday, May 29, 2010

Impromtu Pool Party

Aubrey had been dying to have a friend over to play in her caterpillar sprinkler. She very much wanted to hold someone's hand and run through. I promised here that the next sunny day we would have a friend over. Anyway, when I checked the weather last Monday, I discovered that it was the only sunny day we were going to have all week. So I started calling Aubrey's friends. Nobody answered so I kept calling around. Within minutes of each other, they all called back and said they could come, so we ended up with a little party. It was fun that it worked out that way!

Aubrey was going back and forth pushing Brooke and Zoe on the swings.

All of them were jumping up and down, it was too cute.

Finally Eden stepped up and was willing to run through the sprinkler with Aubrey!

Then Zoe decided to next!

We happened to have all of the stuff for hamburgers and hot dogs, so we had a little BBQ.

And baby Clayson was there too!

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