Friday, April 25, 2008


Aubrey is officially weaned from her pacifier! She hasn't had one for almost 2 weeks now! We even survived church last week without one!! My goal was to have her weaned by 1 year old - so I am ahead of schedule!!

Unfortunately she has also weaned herself from baby food. She won't even eat fruit or cereal anymore. So, now meals are more time consuming for me. I am also running out of ideas for toddler foods. Especially nutritious but quick meals. So, everyone let me know what your favorite foods for toddlers are. I need the help!

1 comment:

The Mann Family said...

Hey! So Parker has become the same as Aubrey...hates the mush and wants REAL food! What I've been doing is taking a piece of wheat bread and putting a tiny bit of shredded cheese (cheddar, swiss, etc). Pop it in the microwave until it melts...he LOVES it. Also, when I make mac n cheese, i just mix a veggie in with it (squash, carrot, sweet potato). That way he gets a little veggie in too.

Don't they love to make things more complicated?? ha